

Business letterhead printing

Our letterheads are litho printed, which means they can be fed through your office printer. Be mindful of those offering digital printing for this product, it may look cheaper at first, but it could cost you your professional look and damage your printer.


Corporate letterhead (litho printing)

Quotes, invoices, contracts, letters… make all communications look more professional with our business headed paper. We print your design on the paper of your choice using litho printing techniques – during this printing process, the ink with your design is transferred from a printing plate onto a rubber blanket and then to the paper. This means a plate for each colour needs to be created, adding to the production cost. The key advantage for this technique is ensuring your letterheads can be safely used in your own office printer without compromising its quality or damaging your printer.

If you have no design and no idea where to start, we can help… our designers have created simple, elegant and effective headed paper templates that are easy to customise with your logo and company details. To get started, pick your favourite and go to our online editor, then you can simply type your company info and drag-and-drop your logo. Easy-peasy!

Prefer creating your own letterhead design online from scratch? Open a blank canvas on our editor and go for it! Got the artwork file ready? Upload it to our website in just a few clicks.

If your correspondence has several pages, you can either print them all on your business letterhead paper or print only the first page on it and the rest on continuation sheets. These are similar to your letterhead but with a simpler headed paper design, keeping the pro-style in a chilled way.